Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Vacation in Puerto Rico Baby!

Shyam has been to Puerto Rico several times and we have been hoping to take a trip there together for years now.  Well, with winter setting in and a young infant in tow, what better trip than to relax by the blue, blue ocean, right?  Right- sort of.  We certainly relaxed and were able to check out Old San Juan and El Yunque Rain Forest.  Although a cold Vijay picked up slightly dampened our time late in the trip and definitely parent-tested us, we were happy to get him home safe and sound.  Aside from a sleepless night or two, you will see that we got some good rest and relaxation too...

1 comment:

Transforming Goddess said...

Oh.. you all look peaceful and well rested at- at least in the photos :). Considering the freezing cold temps and snow in New York, I wish I was in Puerto Rico right now.