Saturday, September 13, 2008

Who Knew Rice Cereal Could Cause Such a Ruckus?

So, Vijay got the green light to begin eating "real" food a few weeks ago: Solids. All the literature encourages new parents to begin with the tamest of the solids- rice cereal. To me, it appeared a rather bland concoction of dry cereal and milk, however, for Vijay it was one of the most exciting things to happen in his entire life (all five months of it).

As you can see, Vijay began the process with skepticism, followed by annoyance, spitting, and true outrage. But with a few feedings under his belt, he began to actually come to like the stuff and even open his mouth for more, and more, and more. Although we spend alot of time wiping down the highchair and changing his outfits multiple times, the experience of watching him go through the various reactions and emotions about this bland food makes the work well worth it!

Bring on the strained carrots, puffs, and cheerios. He is sold on this solids stuff.

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